Mahhh-wage ... dis is wut bwings us togeduh tooday. Twu wuv ... and mahhh-wage.
For a strange reason I can't explain, my thoughts were thrust toward this all-time classic movie, The Princess Bride, when a couple friends of ours (Braden and Marsha) told us they are engaged. As happy as we are for them, I haven't been able to shake the movie from my mind all day. When I put Dreyfuss, our dog, outside on his leash, he growled in the anticipation that comes with knowing he's about to go outside for the next 6 hours to lay in the grass and not-so-gingerly walk around a collection of his own landmines. I bravely looked him in the eyes and in the most sinister Spanish tone I could muster, I countered with: "My name in Inigo Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die." He growled some more and I took that as my sign to let him go outside before he peed on my feet.
I recently read an article about the guy who played the priest in the Princess Bride. Apparently, he died about 10 years ago. I felt very fortunate that the author of the article included the fact that he died of something called "gastrointestinal hemorraghing." Two important details skipped well beyond my comprehension when I read that. First, it took me close to two minutes just to pronounce that, two minutes, by the way, that I'll never get back. I'm still not sure I've spelled it correctly here. Second, I have no idea what 'gastrointestinal hemorraghing' even means. For all I know, this guy could have died because he ripped "the fart heard 'round the world!" Imagine that, dying because you couldn't make it to the laxatives in time. That's a real bummer.
I planned to blog on Saturday about my most recent shed-building experience with Braden, but I was overwhelmed with sheer excitement at the thought of sitting at my desk to stare at a computer screen after spending almost five hours outside watching Braden do most of the manual labour. You'd be surprised how tiring that gets. So, I never made it to blogging. Besides, Braden and Marsha's good news takes slight precedence over the fact that I now have a big yellow permanent reminder standing arrogantly in my back yard that taunts me with some of the worst experiences I've ever had. The fact that it's yellow makes it hurt even more.
Nonetheless, I will gladly give kudo's where kudo's are due. A huge thanks to Bradonius Maximus, the Greek god of all things carpentry (that's now Braden's new official nickname). This shed would still be standing in our friends back yard had it not been for Moose Jaw's own version of Bob Vila, minus the attitude and crusty beard.
So Braden and Marsha, this blog is for you. Blog-u-lations on your engagement. When you think about it, Saturday was quite a day for the younger of the Mr Jago's. He almost finished building a shed with me, his handy Al Borland type of assistant, and he gets engaged all in the same day. What more can a guy ask for? If you ask me, that's almost totally INCON-THEIVEABLE!