Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A Long Day

Ever feel like these guys? Like you don't have enough of what you need to cover everything? Today was one of those days for me.

I've been busy preparing for a fairly big event at work and the closer we get to the event, it seems there's more and more work that needs to be done. Just like these guys don't have nearly enough pants, it feels like I don't have nearly enough time. But everything is coming together quite well. I have a lot of good people helping me.

However, my day was capped off today when one of the people who has registered for the event contacted me about something very personal. I've exchanged emails with this person on a regular basis over the last couple of weeks, talking in part about the upcoming event and partly about some things that may happen for this person after the event. All the while, I sincerely thought this person was a woman. You can probably guess where I'm going with this.

This person is a guy. Certainly not a woman. When he sent me his last email, I felt absolutely terrible that I had made such a huge mistake. It was like my heart plummetted through the bottom of my chair and created a divot in the floor underneath. I instantly broke into a cold sweat. The whole thing plagued me for the rest of the day. Never have I wanted more to crawl into the above canyon-like cracks and hide from my shame and embarrassment.

Well, maybe it wasn't THAT bad. Come to think of it, that's just plain disgusting. Maybe it's time to wipe the slate clean. Although, now I'm the butt of all the jokes. Just trying to crack my way into a good relationship. If I go any longer with this, I really might have to dig into my arsenal.

So, if this person (who shall remain nameless to preserve their own dignity because I've lost enough for the both of us!) happens to be reading my blog --- something I highly doubt, but you never know --- please accept my apologies. Again.

I'm kinda glad this day is over. Time to pull up my pants and do it all again tomorrow.


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